Marvelous Mini Mosaics Gallery N-ice by Amanda Stapells Tw-ice by Amanda Stapells Daisies by Angèle Blasutti Solo by Angèle Blasutti Sunflower 1 by Anja Hertle Sunny Day by Anja Hertle Start of the Day by Anne Winter Heart 1 by Annie Powell Heart 2 by Annie Powell Bluebells & Ferns by Christine Hume Remembrance by Christine Hume Medicine Wheel by Dianne Sonnenberg Water is Life by Dianne Sonnenberg Mother and Child by Dijana Bogdanovic Tree of Life by Dijana Bogdanovic Mini 1 by Elena Martoglio Mini 2 by Elena Martoglio Peek-a-Boo by Jenny May Gifford Shiny by Jenny May Gifford Mini 1 by Judy Breau Mini 2 by Judy Breau August by Karen Ylitalo Fairies Live Here by Kathryn Spooner Bossy Sunday Laundry by Kathryn Spooner Bossy Joy by MaryLou Hurley Peace by MaryLou Hurley Amyl by Michel Dumont Bluebells by Michel Dumont The Red One by Patrizia Brasch The Teal One by Patrizia Brasch Pebble Power by Pippa Beck Mischief by Thomas Faires The Day by Thomas Faires